We’re passionate about helping you change your life from the inside out

Meet Cass

Hi there! I appreciate you being here and your interest in my service. Thank you! 
I think it's important to share a little background about me. I like to consider myself a health forward chef — my background is in nutritional science and I completed a culinary program in Los Angeles, BUT it really all started when I was a little girl!  Being raised in the Italian culture, I grew up in the kitchen with my Nonna and our family restaurants. I was always so curious about recipes and wanted to be hands on with everything. What lead me to pursue nutrition school was inspired a lot by my family members struggling with obesity and other long term illnesses. I always thought to myself, “I don’t want to follow in their footsteps or maybe one day I can help them” and here I am now having brought that desire to life in the most magical of ways! 
My mission is to help you, serve you, and show you the true definition of what it means to eat healthy. Nutrition isn’t a one size fits all approach, which is why we offer such a variety of items that all have one thing in common and that is quality. I truly believe that food is medicine and it can heal us from the inside out if we make the right choices for ourselves. Cheers to you, us, and our health! Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions. 

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